Arabian Adages

Dedicated to those who love amusing proverbs; enjoy!

Translated by: Bint Khalid

Classical Arabic Sayings

خير الأمور أوسطها

The best of things are their middles

The saying states that the best course to take is always the middle path, avoiding the extremes whether in making decisions or opinions.


الطيور على أشكالها تقع

Birds fall on their likes (or resemblances)

The saying explains how people are attracted to those with similar characters and traits as they. For example, those who are deceitful befriend the deceitful. The English proverb “Birds of a feather flock together” has the same denotation. 


Colloquial Proverbs of the Arab Peninsula 

الحي يحييك والميت يزيدك موت

(A person) alive will bring you to life and (a person) dead will further let you die

The saying gives advice to be aware of the disposition of your company, for those who are active and energetic will induce the same in you, and those who are lazy and idle will keep you useless as they are.


لا هو بصبور الفرقى ولا هو بلذيذ الربعه

He has no patience in parting; whilst he is tasteless in friendship

The saying is used to describe a person who can neither bear to be separated from you (out of affection), yet when near you he cannot be of pleasant company (tends to be bitter, grave or complaining). 


لو لبن ما راب

If it was milk it wouldn’t have turned to yoghurt

This saying is used in exclamation when a person needs time to accomplish something and another is anxious and hurried to have it completed.  


لا هو حبى ولا برك

He would neither toddle nor hunker down

The saying is used to describe someone who is in an awkward state of confusion or turmoil (neither moving nor sitting still).


لا تعيب العيب عند الباب

Do not mock, mockery is at the door

This saying is used to caution someone who is in the habit of ridiculing others, and warns that what he ridicules now will be near him soon.


Dear reader, you are welcome to share some of your own proverbs, Arabic or otherwise!


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2 responses to “Arabian Adages”

  1. Razan says :

    I love this post, because there are of those I dont get!
    my favorite is this one:
    (A person) alive will bring you to life and (a person) dead will further let you die

  2. brira says :

    Hi Razan,
    Out of the ones mentioned above I like this one becasue I can apply it to myself!

    لو لبن ما راب
    If it was milk it wouldn’t have turned to yoghurt

    I think I will be using this one alot!

    Bint Khalid

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