Review: The Green Box Part I

Dear reader, As promised in my last post I went ahead and registered with The Green Box to try their innovative method for in season produce shopping and eating!

Here  is my criteria for things to review:

Efficiency of service:

  • Delivery of box on time?
  • Easy Payment procedure? 

Quality of Product:

  • Freshness of box contents?
  • Tastiness of in season produce?


So far this is how it went..


Ok so first of all I had to open an account, and the registration form was easy to fill in, but it seems that they cater to people living in compounds. Since I don’t live in a compound I decided to tick the “Compound not listed’ box and instead put a detailed street address including: house number, street name, area number, area name, P.O. Box, and of course the nearest roundabout (as you know how it works here!).

Before finalizing my registration I decided to take a look at the Terms and Conditions, and they are… demanding! This is just a portion of their terms and conditions:

Once you become a member it is assumed automatically that you will receive a box every week except the weeks when you cancel your box, and payment must be made a month in advance, so I have to pay this month for my weekly boxes of next month.

Deliveries are made every Saturday, there is no charge for delivery, and you have to sign an acknowledgement of receipt form. If you have any complaints about your order you MUST inform the delivery man upon receipt otherwise it’s not their problem…  you can email them any complaints within 72 hours after refusing the delivery.

You can go ahead and read their Terms & Conditions yourself if you want the details.

So after registering:  you’ll get an email to activate your account with them, which I did, but then I had a problem logging into my account. After entering my user name and password I would keep getting a blank white page… hmmmm…


Ok finally I was able to Log in without a problem, clicked on Start Shopping, then selected the weight and type of produce I wanted to order, for this trial run I went for the 10kg Mixed Box.

After that a calendar came up where you can select the number of boxes you would like to order for each week of every month, so I selected 1 box for the last week of August. There is also a calendar at the bottom of the page that details the days and weeks of each month so that you can keep track of when you can expect your delivery. So according to it, my order should arrive sometime between the 23rd -29th of August.

 After confirming your order you simply select the payment method. Contrary to what I stated previously, the website does have an online payment option! Which I think is just easier all around. So I paid by Visa and received a confirmation invoice by email. On this confirmation email it states that “A copy of your order confirmation has to be shown upon collection of your box in our collection point” (I’m liking the efficiency here).  

So far it has been simple and standard, VERY easy registration and an extremely easy placement of order and payment…..  I give it 10/10 points so far.

To be Continued……. once I recieve my order.

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