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Decietful Dessert

A Review by Bint Khalid

Neo, famously known as the best sushi place in Doha; it’s a must to have those yummy rolls only on their dedicated Sushi Night which happens every Tuesday.  It certainly deserves the ten star reviews it gets from everyone.

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Review: Classical Ships of Islam

Last Wednesday there was a lecture on Classical Islamic Boats by Dr. Dionisius Aguis and hosted by the Qatar Natural History Group. I was there with a friend who, like me, is also interested in these “unexciting” subjects. We arrived at 6:58pm, just two minutes before 7:00pm, when the lecture was supposed to start.

Just a few moments after taking our seats the talk began and it was fascinating, this world of naval history. If only I could focus on what the lecturer was saying.

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Review: The Green Box Part II

I received my Mixed Box today! This is how it looks.. Read More…

Review: The Green Box Part I

Dear reader, As promised in my last post I went ahead and registered with The Green Box to try their innovative method for in season produce shopping and eating! Read More…

Cordoba in The Muslim Era

For those interested this is my review of the “Cordoba in the Muslim Era” lecture with Dr. Farhat Hussein.

Overall it was very interesting except for two things that really bugged me:

First was that the speaker arrived half an hour late, his excuse being that, and I’m paraphrasing here, “It’s my experience in this region when you say 7 o’clock people usually arrive 7:30″… hmmm… did I ever mention how I am annoyingly-obsessively conscious of my time?

Second was a teeny tiny line in the welcoming speech. Something about “…soldiers of Islam against the infidels…”  Huh? Did they just offend the non-Muslims in the audience? I thought DICID stands for Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue? I’m confused.

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